(前言:联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯(葡萄牙前总理)在今年5月13日通过视频发表了关于《疫情与心理健康》的演讲。演讲体现了他对人类心理健康问题的深刻理解和高度重视。尤其是,他开篇头一句话就是:“心理健康是人类人性的核心”!一句话就指出了“心理健康”对于人类生存的重大意义。鉴于古特雷斯的特殊身份和地位,这一演讲十分重要,值得我国心理健康工作者参考。古特雷斯对心理健康的重要性具有深刻洞察,他甚至认为,“经过几十年对心理卫生服务的忽视和投资不足后,这场2019冠状病毒大流行病此时带来了更大的心理压力,给家庭和社群都造成冲击。”——他认为“心理卫生服务的忽视和投资不足”是普遍的。他把对于疫情的反思,提高到了追问人类自身心理健康,以及各国对待心理健康问题的政策的重视的深度和高度。——古特雷斯对于国际局势也颇有见解,2018年他就曾经在接受记者采访时说:“我认为美国的软实力……目前正在衰弱。”美国今天卷入了一系列性质不同的冲突,甚至涉及贸易战,还涉及其他争端,这确实意味着,与几十年前在国际关系中占主导地位相比,美国力量正在衰落。”这一情况发生的同时,世界也变得“碎片化”,自冷战结束以来,世界从一个由美国主导的秩序,转变为一个由多个大国主导的秩序,而这个秩序还有待确定。联合国秘书长古特雷斯指出:“单一国家对国际秩序的领导地位,不可避免地受到越来越多的质疑,美国和世界其他所有国家,都需要能够适应这种新形势的变化。”(以上关于美国以及世界局势的看法摘自美国《大西洋月刊》,原作者URI FRIEDMAN))——本文来源于联合国网站,以下汉语版根据英文版略有改动。——许金声。)
Mental health is at the core of our humanity.Itenables us to lead rich and fulfilling lives and to participate in our communities.But the COVID-19 virusis not only attacking our physical health; it is also increasing psychological suffering.
Grief at the loss of loved ones…Shock at the loss of jobs…Isolation and restrictions on movement…Difficult family dynamics…Uncertainty and fear for the future…Mental health problems, including depression and anxiety,are some of the greatest causes of misery in our world.
Throughout my life, and in my own family, I have been close to doctors and psychiatrists treating these conditions. As prime minister of my country, Portugal, and as High Commissioner for Refugees, I became acutely aware of the suffering they cause.This suffering is often exacerbated by stigma and discrimination, which is absolutely unacceptable.
After decades of neglect and underinvestmentin mental health services, the COVID-19 pandemic is now hitting families and communities with additional mental stress.
Those most at risk are front line health care workers, older people, adolescents and young people, those with pre-existing mental health conditions and those caught up in conflict and crisis.We must help them and stand by them.
Even when the pandemic is brought under control,grief, anxiety and depression will continue to affect people and communities.This is the background to the policy brief on COVID-19 and mental health that we are launching today.
Mental health services are an essential part of all government responses to COVID-19.They must be expanded and fully funded.
Policies must support and care for those affected by mental health conditions, and protect their human rights and dignity.Lockdowns and quarantinesmust not discriminate against those with poor mental health.
As we recover from the pandemic, we must shift more mental health services to the community, and make sure mental health is included in universal health coverage.The United Nations is strongly committed to creatinga world in which everyone, everywhere, has someone to turn to for psychological support.
I urge governments, civil society, health authorities and others to come together urgently to address the mental health dimension of this pandemic.
And I call on governments in particular to announce ambitious commitments on mental health at the upcoming World Health Assembly.